Tafseer Surah Baqarah Verse 31 | Surah Baqarah explanation in English | Surah Baqarah explained | Surah Baqarah Ayat 31
Tafseer Surah Baqarah Verse 31 | Surah Baqarah explanation in English | Surah Baqarah explained | Surah Baqarah Ayat 31 Translation
Surah Al-Baqarah
Verse 31
وَعَلَّمَ آدَمَ الْأَسْمَاءَ كُلَّهَا ثُمَّ عَرَضَهُمْ عَلَى الْمَلَائِكَةِ فَقَالَ أَنْبِئُونِي بِأَسْمَاءِ هَٰؤُلَاءِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ صَادِقِينَ
And He taught Ādam all the names, then He presented them to the angels and said, “Convey to Me the names of these if you are truthful.” (Al-Baqarah 2:31)
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Surah Baqarah Verse 31 |
☘️In this noble āyah there is proof that Allāh wanted to make evident the prestige position of Ādam, which was obtained by that which Allāh (the Most-High) taught him.
Knowledge is worship, and it is a great status for the one who does right by it in the manner it deserves; fulfilling the right of Allāh and giving insight to the servants of Allāh with regard to Allāh, His names, His attributes, and His words.
☘️And He taught Ādam all the names: Meaning, He taught him the names by way of getting started, and He taught him the names of everything – of their essence and their actions. No one is able to learn anything except by Allāh enabling them to learn.
☘️Then He presented them: Presented what was named - with the names of animals, inanimate objects, and other than these from that which He taught Ādam - to the angels and said, “Anbi’ūnī (Convey to Me)” - meaning, inform Me. Inbā’ (انبَاء) is conveyance of the news, which is information of great benefit and importance, urging those who hear it to acquire (its benefit). For this reason inbā’ is inclusive of the meaning of iˋlām (اعلام – making something known), because the information that is conveyed is regarded as that which becomes known.
☘️The names of these: This is a command of impossibility, as Allāh (the Most-High) wanted to make evident their limitation in knowledge concerning what they see and observe, for they and others do not know except by the teaching of Allāh.
☘️If you are truthful: Meaning, if you believe that I did not create any creation more knowledgeable than you, and if you believe that you are better than this creation (meaning Ādam), and if you believe that the Children of Ādam lack the capacity of having khilāfah (successive authority) on the earth.
☘️In this first story, we come to know how the human variety (of creation) became distinct over others from creation, and how they are prepared to attain perfection in knowledge.
☘️ So a Muslim should not hesitate to seek knowledge, and should spend it in (seeking it during their) mortal life, for he is the most prized pearl on this earth. And whoever knows that his soul has a (life) expectancy and his time is limited, will invest his time in that which is most beneficial.
🔮The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. The more knowledge you have, the greater will be your fear of Allah SWT.
💎I ask Allah SWT to teach us what is beneficial and increase me in knowledge, Aameen.
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